L1 Beginners Pilates
Level 1 classes are for beginners or those who want to re-visit the fundamentals of Pilates matwork. Numbers in each course are kept to a max of 4 participants to ensure that you will receive adequate attention and support with your learning. The aim is to progress absolute Beginners to an Intermediate L2. We do this by going over the basic principles of Pilates (alignment, breathing, centering to name the main) and we do this with exercises on the mat, in sitting and standing.
L 2 Intermediate Pilates
Intermediate Pilates exercises are designed to improve your posture, core stability, flexibility and strength. Ensure you know how to achieve neutral spine, can correctly activate your stabilising muscles, have the ability to perform all the Beginner/Improver exercises and be able to self correct prior to commencing these intermediate Pilates classes. You should begin with the beginner Pilates exercises before commencing these intermediate Pilates classes. Once these intermediate exercises are too easy, progress to the advanced Pilates exercises.
L3 Advanced Pilates
The advanced Pilates mat class goes straight through a selection of the classical repertoire at tempo, with no stops and incorporating small equipment to increase the fun & effectiveness of the class. Be ready to work hard—you’ll complete the entire mat series, plus Anita’s favorite Reformer-on-the-Mat exercises in an action-packed 45 minutes.
Trigger Point Pilates™
This class combines Pilate’s core moves and applies clinical Myofascial principles to help alleviate chronic pain conditions. The class is designed to release tight muscles and enhance functional daily movement, and restructure the body. This class attracts everyone from the elite fit to the post rehab. Fascia restrictions occur in everyone, whatever their age, activity or level of fitness. Equipment is used to release and re align the body which you can buy from your instructor to exercise at home.
THE single most effective Kettlebell fat burning workout…….designed to shape and sculpt your body in as little as 20 mins for rapid fat loss & a lean toned body. … All kettlebell classes are not created equally, Kettlercise® follows a system and it’s that system that produces results.
Chair Pilates
Chair Pilates is a unique style of exercise that adapts Pilates-based body conditioning exercises to be performed whilst seated on a chair. The student is able to warm up the body safely and perform exercises with more support and stability. Exercises are done seated on the chair or the chair is used for support during standing exercises, balancing, and some stretches. Chair Pilates is most suitable for the older adult who has difficulty getting up and down from the floor, as is required in most other classes or other students who have limiting physical conditions.
Backcare Pilates
Backcare Pilates classes are designed for those people suffering from back pain. Even if you are currently receiving treatment for your condition these classes are designed to complement that treatment. If there are particular areas of concern our instructor is able to discuss your condition with one of our qualified osteopaths.