How Not to Grow Old

Getting old is a mindset often influenced by Ageism

We all grow older but it is your choice whether you grow old.

How often do you blame your age for your inability to do things that you used to do?

Is it really age โ€ฆ. Or is it the Mindset of Ageism?

Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ve heard of โ€˜use it or lose itโ€™.ย ย This is not just a sayingโ€ฆ.itโ€™s actually the truth.

Take a few moments to reflect on the following:



  • Getting up from the floor
  • Walking more than 5 km
  • Carrying your own shopping, suitcase, grandchild
  • Putting your socks on whilst standing without sitting down
  • Soaping between your toes standing in the shower
  • Climbing stairs without sore knees
  • Reaching up to place an item on a high shelf
  • Walking confidently over muddy, uneven ground
  • If youโ€™ve stopped doing any of the above, take a moment to ask yourselfย why.ย ย Perhaps you havenโ€™t noticed that youโ€™re doing fewer challenging things as you get older.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Check out the following quotes:

โ€˜You donโ€™t stop walking because you get old, you get old because you stop walkingโ€™

โ€˜Itโ€™s not about the years in your life, itโ€™s about the life in your yearsโ€™

โ€˜If you think you canโ€™t, you canโ€™t โ€“ if you think you can, you canโ€™


Iโ€™d love to hear what you are finding more challenging as you get older and what causes you to stop doing the things that you need, want and love to do.


Watch out for my upcoming Workshop which will give you the biggest, strongest tool on how to avoid getting ‘old’.


Put it in your diary – Saturday 20th April 10am “The Beginners Guide to Strength Training for Women Over 60”.