Life Pie for Women Over 60
It’s that time of year again. The nights are drawing in, the year is coming to a close, you start thinking about all those things you promised you would do. How many have you ticked off?
We all promised ourselves more Me Time didn’t we after the past few years. Less time looking after the family, who are old enough to look after themselves and more time for ourselves – being out in nature, doing our workout of choice, doing nothing some days.
But then life gets in the way and our lifelong roles of mother, grandmother, sister and daughter see to forever take preference and as 2022 is hurtling to an end and we still have things on our To-Do List that we haven’t got done.
Life Pie – I honestly couldn’t function without it. I get too overwhelmed with a lot on my plate, and I often get obsessed with just one part of my life – my Pie – often work or a relationship. My whole life becomes imbalanced and eventually I end up a mess wondering what planet I’m on. Life Pie means I’m checking in with each section on my Pie. I’m living consciously. I know some sections are empty and that’s fine, my other sections are overflowing. It’s all about balance – not having a full Pie.
I’ve had a really challenging 2022. Eager to get my business back on track after 6 month’s medical leave, impatient to implement that Business Plan I’d spent all of Lockdown working on but now I’m that much wiser. Success in life is all about balance
Before you start planning 2023, let’s reflect upon 2022. What went well for you and what didn’t, what things did you enjoy doing and which not so much and what made you happy and what made you less so?
In my brand new Life Pie for woman over 60, I’m going to help you to answer these questions, to find clarity where you are now and then together we’ll put some plans in place for 2023.
I have designed this Workshop as much for me as you because I believe real power comes from women supporting each other in all areas of life, work and play.
It’s going to be a small group and we’ll be meeting face to face at Sale Pilates.
We’ll look at the 8 pieces of our Pie: Lifestyle, Money, Friends and Family, Adventure, Passion Project, Health & Wellness, Relationship with Self & Partner.
Who is this for?
The Life Pie Workshop is for women over 60 who want to get some accountability and productivity in their own lives.
It’s for those who like to take action and have a plan. Those who are not (too) afraid of change.
This is the perfect programme for you if you want to be supported by other nurturing people. We love to learn new things, challenge ourselves, be at the heart of discussions, have ambitions. We want to ditch the overwhelm and live a more balanced life in the future.
About Me

Sign up TODAY to book your chair. Sale Pilates’ members (SPM50) and Early Birds (EB50) 50% discount. Early Bird discount ends 6pm Mon 2nd Jan 23.