2-4PM MONDAY 14TH MAY 2018



Successful Ageing Specialist

M.Sc Exercise & Nutrition Stott Pilates Instructor L3 Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Leader

DW Fitness/Brooklands Sports Club, Whitehall Road, SALE M33 3NL

May is National Osteoporosis Month here in the UK and so I thought it was appropriate – and long overdue – to pass on my knowledge and experience of how to prevent the onset of this silent disease and also how to reverse it.Did you know that 1 in 2 women over 50 will experience an osteoporotic fracture at some time in her life? That approximately 1,000 fractures due to osteoporosis are reported every minute in the US?Make sure that you are not a victim and come to my Workshop to learn how you can best prevent – or even reverse – osteoporosis.What Your GP does not tell you!Bone health is not just about bone density but also about bone quality. If you have osteoporosis but good bone quality you are less likely to experience fractures; Whilst if you have poor bone quality and no signs of Osteoporosis then you may still be at risk of a fracture.So how can you increase your bone health?At my workshop you will learn how to improve your bone health through proper nutrition and the right kind of exercise. ย I will be giving you resistance training exercises that you can do at home with inexpensive equipment.SIGN UP TODAY to find out how you can retain your health, fitness and independence well into later life!