If you, your mother or grandmother is over 60 or in their 70’s and 80’s then this Webinar is a must. It’s free, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Click here to book:
“5 Ways to a Terrific Online Experience”
Walking, biking or climbing stairs is not sufficient exercise for you – and may not be appropriate – particularly as you get older. You need to make sure that you’re including all aspects of functional fitness within your exercise sessions like mobility, balance and power.
If you, your Mum or Grandma have been doing the same exercises for the past 20 years, got them out of a magazine or from YouTube, chances are that these are not appropriate for your every day and life requirements.
There has been so much research carried out over the past 10 years on Functional Ageing exercise and we’ve learnt that what works for one person over 60 may not work for another. The Baby Boomers are a very diverse population in terms of fitness, ADL’s (activities of daily living) and the things you want to achieve in your later years.
It takes a qualified instructor to assess your needs, decide what exercises are appropriate for your individual needs and also safe, effective and fun.
Why online?
Most professional, qualified and passionate fitness instructors have taken their classes online during Covid-19 lockdown, as I have done with Sale Pilates.
Online classes allow you to access teachers and classes that are suitable for you. You’re not just limited to classes in your neighbourhood.
More importantly, as we age, we may find it more and more difficult to get around and perhaps can’t afford for a personal trainer to come to our homes on a regular basis. This is where the beauty of online comes into its own.
The sooner you learn how to get on line and/or find suitable classes the easier it’ll be as you get older!
Sign up to my FREE Webinar: “The Five Ways to a Terrific Online Experience” at 11.30am tomorrow, Saturday 13th June. Busy at that time? Sign up any way and I’ll send you the link to the recording. You can also email me any specific queries/questions you may have and I will endeavour to answer them on the Webinar.
Activity is the magic bullet to help prevent diseases and also to manage them.
I look forward to seeing you on Zoom tomorrow morning.
Stay safe, keep moving and think only positive thoughts