Dear Members

Most people crave the sun and the beach, I’m currently craving the snow and the mountains!

Next week I’ve been invited to go Snowboarding in the French Alps (sorry it’s a bit last minute!).  I’m so excited – I haven’t been on holidays for what seems like years and my last Winter Holiday was in 2018!

But don’t worry, I’ve been working hard in the background here to make sure you get  your weekly Pilates workout.  Read on to find out how.


Pilates Level 1 and Pilates Level 1/2:

 These classes will go ahead at same day/time with a pre-recorded class streamed into your private Facebook Group “Sale Pilates Members Only”.  Please make sure that you have joined this Group and able to access it beforehand.  If you haven’t already signed up to this page, you should’ve received an email inviting you to join up.  Or, click HERE to request to join.

How to Access Your Pre-Recorded Class

  1. Sign up as usual on Team Up (if you haven’t already)
  2. Click on the link in the 1 hour reminder email or on the booking in the Team Up App. This should automatically take you to:
  3. ‘Sale Pilates Members Only’ Facebook private group
  4. Log in early to make sure your link and internet are working
  5. Class will start streaming at the normal class time.

Trial Class

Sign up to a FREE trial class on Monday 13th March:  ‘GET STRONG Beginners Workout No 1’


Note:   All other classes are cancelled until April.


 If you’d like to book an online pre-recorded session instead of your face to face booking, please get in touch before midday Monday 13th March.


PERSONAL TRAINING – Get better and faster results with 121 sessions tailored specifically to your needs and goals.  Click below for more information and to book:

PILATES BEGINNERS COURSE – Please pass this link to anyone you think would be interested. 

My next Pilates Beginners Course is 4 weeks, running from 6th-27th April 2-3pm on Thursdays. This time I’ve introduced a Very Early Bird price valid until 6pm 15th March.  Click below for more information and to book.  Places are limited to 6 persons so hurry and sign up today to save  £30 and to avoid disappointment.


Cardiovascular (aerobic) fitness is a major part of fitness. It will increase your energy, help you to sleep better and increase your immune system.   One of the best ways to increase your aerobic fitness is by Nordic Walking.  Sign up to my upcoming 4-week ‘Learn to Nordic Walk’ course:

SIGN UP to “LEARN TO NORDIC WALK” course by clicking on the link below:

Love and Best Wishes

07598 129189