I’m passionate about inspiring, motivating and educating older adults, whether retired or running their own businesses, to make better choices to ensure that they maximise their health, happiness and potential as they get older.

I particularly like to connect with married women who may have spent most of their lives putting others (husbands, children and friends) first or who are now held back from reaching their full potential by Ageism.

I have lived a varied life, mainly working overseas, been married and divorced, lost both my parents to chronic lifestyle disease and have survived open heart surgery.

If you need a  speaker who’s different and inspirational for your event or group why not contact me to talk it over?

Any of these talks can be adapted to 20 or 45 minutes and to some extent tailored to the audience and context. Some can also be presented as a 90 minute or 3 hour workshop.


The 5 Pillars of Successful Ageing

There has never been a time like now that we can choose how we will age.  There is so much research available telling us how we can avoid disease, age younger, live longer and not all of it has our best interests at heart.  Research may be financed by large corporates who are biaised and looking to make a load of money out of the older generation who have recently retired and are supposed to have a large disposable income.   Our genes are only responsible for 25% of whether we inherit those diseases of our parents and grandparents and even then, lifestyle is responsible for deciding whether these genes express themselve in the form of a disease.

Lifestyle is not a one size fits all scenario and so it is important that we are well informed of the research and taught how to tailor the information to suit our own lives, bodies and environment.

It's Time to Take Responsibility for Your Own Health

Chronic disease is on the increase, the NHS is at breaking point and people still think their GP has all the answers, dishing out medications to cure each and every ailment.

This talk will inspire you to make better choices in your life to ensure better outcomes.

New Year's Resolutions for Seniors. It's Never To Late

In these changing and challenging times, it is more important than ever that everyone have goals, including older adults. That may sound odd but consider why it is important to have resolutions as you age.