What will your life look like in 10 years time?


A scary thought I know!  .

As we get older we tend shy away from thinking that far ahead.  Our vision of ‘old’ age is not a pleasant one based upon how previous generations have aged, how the media has portrayed ageing and how perhaps our parents aged – many of them inflicted by one or more lifestyle disease.

But it doesn’t have to be that way…

As a result of better healthcare, education and recent research you can age better and live longer than ever before,  provided you make informed lifestyle choices which are applicable to you.

We are not just heading into a New Year but we are 7 weeks away from a New Decade!

It’s time for change and it’s time to plan ahead, review your bucket lists and set new goals.

This is why I’ve put together a series of 5 informative and fun workshops to make sure you base your plan on the most appropriate, reliable and uptodate information.  For more information click the link below

“The Five Pillars of Successful Ageing”

I know you may be busy taking care of grandkids, elderly parents or are still working into your 60’s and 70’s.  But the next 10 years will set the scene for the rest of your life.

We are all living longer.  100 years ago life expectancy was 50 and there were only 19 people over 100, today life expectancy is 82 and we have some 16,000 centenarians in the UK.

What will your bonus years look like?

In the Chart below from the Functional Ageing Institute, the top dark line reflects the capabilities of someone consciously investing in their health and fitness.  The bottom line is the trajectory of someone who becomes increasingly sedentary as they age (often believing that’s just what old age looks like).

As you can see, it’s the decisions you make right now that determine how you spend the rest of your life.

Where are you on this line?

As we age our physical natural abilities decline somewhat.  But it’s not too late to slow that process down.

I am also entering another new decade – my 70’s! And I intend to make it even better than my 60’s.

To ensure that I age successfully, I stay abreast of research on Ageing, I monitor my mental, physical and spiritual health and continually tweak my lifestyle to ensure that I continue to be able to do the things that I need, want and love to do for as long as I possibly can.   Based upon my lifelong learning and experience, my clients’ experience and the latest research, I have discovered what the pillars are that I need to adopt to ensure that I stay on the top line.    I now want to share these Pillars with you.

This brand-new series of workshops ““The Five Pillars of Successful Ageing” comprises five separate workshops.  Each workshop focuses on just one Pillar and will provide you with the blueprint to keep your abilities on the top line of this chart, so that you can continue to do the things you need, want and love to do through the next decade and beyond!

It’s not too late to turn things around.  The first step is to sign up.    During these workshops I will provide you with the necessary knowledge, tools and motivation to begin the journey of a lifetime of health, fitness and fulfilment.

You can attend the workshops in any order and if you miss any during Series 1 then you can catch them during Series 2 next year.

It’s time to make some serious changes in your life, to break the barriers of Ageism and to grab those bonus years and make them count!

That’s why I’m inviting you to join me.

Click on the link below for more information and to sign up to one or all five workshops  and discover how you too can make this next decade your best one yet.



Please share this blog with anyone you know who might be interested.  Many thanks.

Anita “looking forward to 2020” Dawn