Senior Fit Solutions
Open Day 9 am – 12 noon Saturday 19th October
No entrance fee, no commitment required…
just FREE class vouchers and amazing Membership discounts

Pop in anytime on the Saturday morning between 9am and 12 noon for a chat, a look around and a cuppa. Perhaps come in your workout clothes and try some of the equipment.
Nothing strenuous, nothing painful….just pure functional exercises designed with the 60+ woman in mind and to make you feel good.

Try the Resistance Bands
I’ve been working with bands since the 1980’s. Back then there was only a few types of band. Now – after lockdown – there are many. How do you choose?
I find the best bands for myself and my client are the 1m loop bands which come in many strengths from 5kg to 55kg.
The bands are very user friendly – easy on the joints and easy to ajust the intensity to suit individua needs

Try the Straps
I first discovered the Straps and Anchors back in 2018 when I attended the Functional Aging Summit in Florida. I was blown away at their versatility and how much fun they were to use.
They can be adapted for all levels of fitness and all abilities

Try the Pilates Studio equipment
The Reformer, Stability Chair and Tower are suitable for almost all levels of fitness and abilities. The use of springs can assist to make exercises easier or resist to make them harder.
Sign up on Saturday 19th October
and get FREE classes + amazing DISCOUNTS on Memberships and Courses
Pilates Beginners (6 weeks)
4th Nov-13th Dec
£179 £89.50
Strength Training Beginners (6-Weeks)
13th Jan – 21st Feb 2024
£720 £360
Nordic Walking Beginners (4-Weeks)
Wednesdays 12.30-1.30 23rd & 30th Oct, 6th & 13th Nov
2 x 2 hrs Sat/Sun (Fasttrack)
£40 £20
Small Group Training
(offer ends after 7 days i.e. 26th Oct)
Monthly 1 x per week £59 £44.25 (first 3 months)
10 Months paid in advance + 2 months free £590 £442
Personal Training
10 sessions: £600 £450
Monthly 1 x per week £235 £176.25
Classes must be booked in advance:
Pilates L1
Pilates L2
Indoor Bootcamp
Stretch Release Relax
Plus more…