Have you stopped doing something you loved doing or an activity you needed to do like carrying your shopping, getting up from the floor, lifting things into and out of the car? Do you have to employ a gardener to take over from one of your much-loved pastimes? And do you worry about who’s going to walk your dog when you no longer have the strength or fitness avoid being pulled over?
Imagine This
How would it make you feel if you could still do all of that safely….and more?
Imagine how empowered you’d feel If you didn’t need to keep asking someone to assist you or to do things for you. Or if you didn’t need to worry about getting back, hip or knee pain?
What if you really could tick of some of those items on your bucket list which you never thought possible?
Stop imagining and take action TODAY. You don’t lose the ability to do things because you’re getting older……you get older because you stop doing them!
Is Your Exercise Programme Improving the Quality of Your Life?
Most exercise programmes available for seniors are not specific enough for your needs – and may even do you more harm than good.
Are you going to Body Conditioning or Pilates classes where you spend most of the class on the floor or seated in a chair.
With the introduction of door anchors and resistance bands you’re no longer dependent upon gravity and can now exercise in an upright, more functional position
Are You Getting the Attention You Need?
I’ve been to ‘older adult’ classes in the community, in Council Leisure Centres and private health clubs and am shocked at the outdated, non-functional exercises still being taught, the big classes where the majority of participants are doing the exercises incorrectly and doing more harm than good. I’ve also watched Personal Trainers teaching inappropriate exercises to their older clients (younger ones too).
The Councils are rolling out special programmes, virtually for free, to get the older population exercising. I see them swimming up and down the pool thinking it’s doing them good when, in the long term, they may end up with overuse injuries due to incorrect technique: arthritis or stenosis in the neck, compression in the lower back leading to chronic low back pain and also hip issues – all from bad technique repeated over and over again.
Are you still feeling invisible? In the gyms there is not enough staff to assist – or if there is, it seems they are oblivious to the inappropriate set up of machines, execution of the exercise and general wellbeing of older adults.
Most gym staff, Personal Trainers and class teachers view seniors as aliens, allowing senior members and guests to muddle through as best they can.
How I can Help You
I chose a career in health and fitness because I wanted the best for myself. I trained and studied with the experts, I follow the latest trends and research and I listen to my 70-year old body. Now I want the best for you as well.
Lockdown revolutionised exercise by introducing anchor points and a variety of bands. You no longer have to lie, kneel or sit on the floor to use gravity as resistance. In addition to this, bands are gentle on the joints.
You can do these exercises at home.
You no longer need to go to a gym, you no longer need a full set of dumbbells or a bench at home.
If you’d like to be able to do things that you started to feel are difficult or perhaps you feel you need or even want more strength, then watch out for my next Newsletter/Blog for more information.
Can’t wait?
Click on the link below for more information and to book your place on this small group course. NOTE: places are limited to 6 and the Earlybird 20% discount ends 10pm 31st August 2024,
Or give me a call on 07598 129189
I’m so looking forward to helping older women make the most of their lives! Will you be one of the lucky ones?