Do you find that with so much media on how to age better it’s difficult to decide what would be best for you?
After reading extensively and a LOT of life experience I consider the following to be my top 5:
1 A Sense of Purpose
Find something that inspires you and makes you want to leap out of bed each morning. If you’re motivated to do something then you’ll be inclined to work on being your best self to achieve it
2 A Healthy Diet
The majority of items in supermarkets are non-foods. Not only are they addictive but they’re full of harmful additives, flavourings, preservatives and very few nutrients. Choose lots of fresh vegetables and fruit -organic if available – and appropriate amounts of the macro nutrients (Protein, Carbs & Fat).
3 Use Natural Remedies for Healing
Medicines tend to mask the symptoms without eradicating the cause of illness or allergies. Pharmaceuticals are also one of the leading causes of death in the West. Only take antibiotics or vaccines when absolutely essential – try strengthening your immune system instead. Check online or ask health food shop staff.
5 Daily Exercise
Government guidelines are 150 mins/week of moderate aerobic exercise and 2-3 sessions of Strength Training. Your body is designed to move (a lot) – use it or lose it! Osteoporosis (brittle bones) and Sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) are diseases which are on the increase amongst women over 60. Sufficient activity and exercise = Strong muscles which = strong bones.
6 Get out of Your Comfort Zone
If you repeat the same mental and physical patterns day by day, your comfort zone will decrease and you end up losing confidence and ability. This will eventually affect your mental and physical health. Our lives have become too comfortable and comfort is killing us.
Bonus – Do Pilates
In addition to increasing core strength, balance, mobility and flexibility, Pilates, practised regularly, helps you tune in to your own body to discover what it needs and what it doesn’t. Pilates also de-stresses and relaxes your mind to enable you to think more clearly about your daily choices.
In preparation for a New Year, I’ll be running an intensive 4-week Beginners Pilates Course starting this Thursday – 10.30am or 7pm for 4 x 75 mins. Early Bird 20% discount ends midnight tomorrow and I still have a few places left.
Click below for more information and to book your slot
Do check it out. I promise you’ll not regret it.
See you there…