by admin | Mar 10, 2019 | Ageing, Exercise, Health, Nordic Walking, Wellbeing
I often join walking groups where I am the only person Nordic walking with Nordic Walking poles. No one seems to notice that I go faster than them or scale the hills in double the time. It is often thought that it is because I am fitter than they are which is often...
by admin | Mar 7, 2019 | Ageing, Disease, Exercise, Health, Nordic Walking, Nutrition, PILATES, Wellbeing
Will you be celebrating International Women’s Day? If you’re over 50, will you be celebrating your day and your life? No, I don’t just mean your past, I’m talking about your future – the most important part of your life! The possibilities open to you as a woman, in...
by admin | Jan 19, 2019 | Ageing, Exercise, Nordic Walking, Nutrition, PILATES, Wellbeing
How to Find the Perfect Class for You? How often have you gone to a class only to feel that you couldn’t ‘do’ it, or you didn’t ‘like’ it? Many people fail to realise that whether you ‘like’ the class or whether you can...
by admin | Dec 4, 2014 | Nordic Walking
The art of dressing for the outdoors! | Nordic Walking UK....
by admin | Sep 16, 2014 | Nordic Walking
nordicwalkinvenice.. Tweet
by admin | Jun 27, 2014 | Nordic Walking
How To Make Walking Really Work For You |.....